World War II Magazine, May 1987 Vol. 2 No. 1
World War II Magazine, May 1987 Vol. 2 No. 1
Cover Story: Deadly Night Fighter: Rangers on Omaha
32 Immediate Action Needed By Stan Askin
On gunfire-raked Omaha Beach, the general flopped down next to the Rangers. He said good morning – then he said it was up to them to get his division off the invasion beach.
Feature Articles
16 Shrinking Perimeter at Kohima By George F. Skoch
Few sieges have been as intense as the holding action fought by a handful of British and Indians facing a Japanese division in a mountain pass at the border of India and Burma. At stake was a vital gateway into India.
24 Vaunted Air Power Overwhelmed By Williamson Murray
By 1943, the handwriting on the wall spelled disaster for the vaunted Luftwaffe. In the face of attrition on all fronts, Goring and other German leaders merely exhorted their weary pilots to greater effort.
40 Reckless First Encounter By Martin Blumenson
From the shock at Kasserine Pass, the Americans learned useful lessons for the future. Even in the North African tilt with Erwin Rommel, however, the scorecard was not all bad.
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